Daniel Wagener – dispositif(s) by Casino Luxembourg

Halle Victor Hugo, Casino Luxembourg Area

Carte blanche by Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain

Luxembourg Art Week is a unique opportunity for Casino Luxembourg to mark its presence outside its well-defined institutional framework and explore new artistic paths.

Driven by the desire to experiment and promote young local artists, Casino Luxembourg will be teaming up with Daniel Wagener, a Luxembourgish artist living in Brussels, to present dispositif(s), an exhibition and a participatory project that questions the material conditions of exhibition-making through the tools and devices characteristic of trade fairs and commercial presentations. An artist and designer, Wagener identifies and documents these artificial elements by means of photographs that reveal their hidden beauty. He also reflects on the presentation of his own photographs by transforming them into three-dimensional, almost sculptural objects.

Wagener, who runs a printing workshop in Brussels, wants us to share his passion for books, which he sees not only as presentation devices, but also as objects in their own right, or even works of art. During Luxembourg Art Week, he will allow visitors to experiment with different modes of printing as they create and assemble their own notebook or sketchbook.

Free Admission

Halle Victor Hugo, Casino Luxembourg Area

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