"Untitled, Gestures and Postures": Performances by Yasmine Hugonnet

18:30 / 20.30
Mudam Luxembourg


On the occasion of the sixth edition of Luxembourg Art Week, Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean presents a new work by the Swiss choreographer, dancer and researcher Yasmine Hugonnet. Conceived for three dancers, Untitled, Gestures and Postures investigates the relationship between form, image and sensation.

Booking Required mudam.com/adultbooking | t +352 453785-531

Programmed alongside the exhibition Charlotte Posenenske: Work in Progress, Hugonnet will present a site-specific performance responding to Posenenske's work. Both artists engage with modular systems; comprising units that can be added, deleted or modified freely. Hugonnet thinks of a sequence of gestures and postures as expressive modules that carry personal meaning and evolve constantly into new narratives. Posenenske on the other hand, created industrially-fabricated modular sculptures, which were produced in unlimited series and assembled or arranged by ‘consumers’ at will.
Hugonnet and her dancers adopt a series of poses that suggest alternately intense engagement or complete abandonment. The agility strength and apparent weightlessness of the performers, allows the audience to travel through the moving images that dances in their own imaginary resources.
Untitled, Gestures and Postures, is composed of existing scores of earlier pieces, including Le Récital des postures (2014) (Swiss Dance Prize 2017), Se Sentir vivant (2017) and Seven Winters.

Curator Joel Valabrega, Mudam Luxembourg
Location East and West Galleries, Level +1

Yasmine Hugonnet (b. 1979, Montreux, Switzerland) studied dance at National Superior Conservatory in Paris, and postmodern dance in New York. She created the trio RE-PLAY (2006) and the solo Latitude de Pose (2007). In 2013 she founded her own company Arts Mouvementés in Lausanne. Her 2014 solo piece, Le Récital des Postures was awarded the Swiss Dance Award in 2017. Hugonnet created La Ronde / Quatuor (2016) for the festival Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis and the Venice Dance Biennale in 2016. CHRONOLOGICAL (2018), a work for 3 dancers was co-produced and presented at the Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne and Atelier de Paris CDCN in 2019.

More information: www.mudam.com

2016_Yasmine H©anne-laure Lechat_44_10x15
© Anne-Laure Lechat - photo from « La Ronde-Quatuor » by Yasmine Hugonnet, 2016