Leading expert in banking and financial law but also a contemporary art enthusiast


Meet Philippe Dupont, Co-Chairman, Arendt & Medernach, Arendt & Art Collection and Luxembourg Art Week Selection Committee Member

Philippe Dupont

Both founding member and co-chairman of the law firm Arendt & Medernach, he is a leading expert in banking and financial law. But he is also a contemporary art enthusiast. It is therefore not surprising that Philippe Dupont has done everything possible to combine the two through the creation of the Arendt & Art collection, which was founded in 2003. The tandem he formed with art historian Paul di Felice was the impetus for the foundation of the collection, which now includes more than 200 pieces devoted entirely to photography; a medium that was chosen for the democratic virtues so highly valued by Arendt & Medernach.

Through this collection, Phillipe Dupont also wishes to promote an attitude towards the world: "Artists often take a different look at society from the way we do. Their works question the so-called givens and thus help to open up our minds. It is this spirit of openness that we try to communicate at Arendt. And it is so much more pleasant to work in an environment where you are surrounded by beautiful things.” The workplace has transformed into a permanent exhibition space for the employees. This philosophy is lived out hand-in-hand with constant support for young artists: access to quality prints, the purchase and exhibition of works, loans of pieces to public events, etc.

As a regular visitor to Luxembourgish galleries, Philippe Dupont is delighted to be part of the selection committee for this year's event: "Alex Reding's idea of creating Luxembourg Art Week is excellent, as proven by the public success of this initiative. We notice that more and more people are interested in art and this kind of event can only support this beautiful dynamic.”