Porte-Ouverte des ateliers d'artistes de l'AAPL


As part of Luxembourg Art Week, the AAPL exceptionally opens the doors of its artists' studios in the former rehabilitated police buildings.

Painters, photographers, visual artists, some thirty artists invite the public in the privacy of their creative space, to discuss their works, their techniques and their sources of inspiration. A day rich in discoveries and conducive to discussion!

The Association of Plastic Artists of Luxembourg (aapl)
The AAPL is a non-profit association and currently has over 150 members. Its purpose is to represent and defend the material and moral interests as well as the social rights of the plastic artist profession and those of its members in Luxembourg. Its interventions are intended to support, understand, disseminate, apply, negotiate and modify legislative measures and regulations, and more generally, all interventions or decisions from public authorities. Thanks to an additional agreement with the Ministry of Culture and the provision of buildings by Public Buildings, the association was able to offer these workshops at affordable prices.

7-9 rue Auguste Lumière
1950 Luxembourg

Without reservation. Parking nearby.

More information: www.aapl.lu info@aapl.lu and ateliers@aapl.lu

Capture d’écran 2021-10-17 à 18.58.51