Adrián Ibáñez Galería was born from the director’s experience
as an artist and his master’s degree in Cultural Management in
Spain, which led him to learn about art circulation projects and
dynamics from a decentralized perspective. This inspired the
idea of creating an art gallery in a rural area, initially operating
in Tabio, Colombia for the first five years.
Towards the end of 2021, the gallery opened its new permanent
headquarters in Bogotá’s San Felipe Art District.
Focused on contemporary art and with a global vision, the
gallery actively participates in international fairs, generating
exchanges and dialogues between artists from different regions.
The gallery works with emerging and mid-career artists, as well
as some established artists, representing various nationalities
and striving to maintain gender parity among its represented
and exhibited artists.
Calle 72 A # 22-35
111211 Bogotá